Tag Archives: brain patterns

Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind

Your body is your subconscious mind. Memories are stored in your body. If something doesn’t “feel” right, often you don’t do it. The knot in your stomach, constriction in your throat, or pressure in your chest are indicators that your subconscious programs are kicking in. Pay attention! This is where your work is done.

What are your strategies for ignoring this resistance? Checking email or Facebook? Changing the laundry? Shopping or running errands? Doing dishes? Organizing your workspace? These are just a few examples of avoidance activities that hijack us when our subconscious programs engage.

It’s these very programs that are keeping you stuck – in fear, shame, guilt, not-enoughness. It all boils down to some variation of FEAR – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of humiliation, fear of wasting your time, fear of disapproval, fear, fear, fear of anything.

Does any of this resonate with you? While writing this I did three of the above avoidance activities – laundry, dishes, and changed my workspace. My subconscious patterns were hijacking me! What brought me back to writing? Mindfulness. Presence.

Stay tuned for more on mindfulness and presence.

No Willpower for a Healthy Lifestyle?

As a personal trainer since 1994, I have partnered with countless individuals on their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle.  Many of them achieve their goals and decide to proceed on their own to live their new lifestyle. I see them a year or two down the road and they are as out of shape and overweight (or worse) than when we began.  What happened?

If you can relate to this then you are in good company.  Research suggests that 50% of persons starting an exercise program will drop out within the first six months.  (Wilson & Brookfield 2009).

It’s not because you are weak or have no willpower. It’s not because you’re not good enough or don’t have time. It’s because your brain patterns are stuck in the rut of habit and lifelong programming.  You have to reprogram your brain to maintain long- term success.  You have to be mindful of your negative self-talk and treat yourself with the same love and compassion you would a dear friend.

In his concluding summary at the Mind and Human Potential Conference (2009), (You Tube: The Brain and It’s Potential), Dr. Evian Gordon states that BIG changes can only be achieved through very SMALL steps.

Take it one day at a time. One habit at a time. One step at a time. Be patient with yourself.  Be easy about it.  Life is supposed to be fun.